Student-to-Teacher Ratio

The ratio of the number of students to number of teachers (in public schools) - derived from the Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey.

  • Measurement Period: 2010-2011
Student-to-Teacher Ratio
RANGE: 6.8<19.3

Understanding the color Range

Each Health Indicator includes five-color range indexes. The color range index compares all counties in the state that have the same indicator in the same timeframe. It then calculates where the selected county falls in that range and displays the color that best reflects how the county is doing in comparison to the other counties in the filtered group. The range displays the highest and lowest county values within the state that have the same indicator for the same measurement period.

Current county values will be compared to State and National values if they are available.

Green and red arrows indicate that the county value is better or worse than the state or national value. The arrows will change directions and colors based on which end of the range is positive.
This icon simply means that the county value is equal to the state or national value.
Some indicators display blue, which means the data is not meant for health-status comparison, but is intended simply to provide information.
If history data is available the trend icon will point up or down based on its relationship to the last county value.
Dimensions 2010-2011
Dimension Low Value High Number of Counties Compared
CDC Treatment Guidelines
Common Core of Data
The Common Core of Data (CCD) is the Department of Education's primary database on public elementary and secondary education in the U.S. CCD is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are designed to be comparable across states. The objectives of CCD are (1) to provide an official listing of public elementary and secondary schools and school districts in the nation, which can be used to select samples for other National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) surveys, and (2) to provide basic information and descriptive statistics on public elementary and secondary schools and schooling in general.


CCD is made up of a set of five surveys sent to state education departments. Most of the data are obtained from administrative records maintained by the state education agencies. Statistical information is collected annually from schools and school districts (including supervisory unions and regional education service agencies) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Schools, and the outlying areas. State education agencies compile the data in prescribed formats and transmit the information to NCES.